Traceability Suite Add-in for Enterprise Architect
More Traceability to Your Model
The Traceability Suite Add-in gives you better traceability when working in Enterprise Architect.
Enterprise Architect has several features related to traceability. But in some cases (especially Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) with SysML) more conditions or combinations of traceability are required.
Initially, we (Sparx Systems Japan) offered special traceability Add-ins to Japanese Enterprise Architect users. Now we are offering the Add-ins to users worldwide as the Traceability Suite Add-in. The Traceability Suite Add-in works best with SysML models, but you can use it with any model.
Latest Release: Version 3.0
Please let us know if you have any questions about Add-in features, requests, bugs, purchases, etc.
Typical case where Traceability Suite Add-in is needed
We use Activity diagrams to find and clarify Blocks' features (i.e., responsibilities). In the Activity diagrams, Blocks are placed as Partitions, and Actions on each Partition are features of the related Block. There are no 'connectors' between Actions and Blocks, so Enterprise Architect's built-in Relationship Matrix cannot show these relationships.
Our 'MatrixEx' in the Traceability Suite Add-in can show these kinds of relationships.
Brief Summary Video
(6m10s, with an audio explanation)
Traceability is a key to a valuable model, in the EA Global Summit 2022
(38m2s, with an audio explanation)
The Traceability Suite Add-in for Enterprise Architect includes the following 3 Add-ins.
- MatrixEx - supports more complex conditions, enhancement view
- Traceability Map - show traceability graphically, including diagram placement
- ElementUsageEx - better usage exploration, especially for many classifier and instance combinations like SysML models
MatrixEx provides extended features of the Relationship Matrix feature of Enterprise Architect. There are many enhancements, including:
- Display package structure hierarchy
- Display multiple types of elements and connectors
- Display aliases of elements
- Display the number of connectors in each row and column
- Drag and drop two or more packages from the Browser window
- Save to Excel, CSV, PDF, etc.
- Support for complex relationships
- Hide part of elements/packages
- Create/delete connectors by double-click, save changes at once
Traceability Map
Traceability Map provides a graphical view of Enterprise Architect's Traceability window. You can open and expand any branches you like. When you select an item on the map, the item is selected in the Browser window and all windows, such as the Properties window, display information about the selected item.
You can customize which type of elements/connectors are traced in detail. You can select types defined in MDG Technology (UML Profile). You can select types for upper/lower direction separately, too.
ElementUsageEx provides extended features of Enterprise Architect's 'Element Usage' feature. It works in the Add-in window, so you do not need to close/open switching target elements. In addition, this Add-in can find more usage than the original feature.
- from a Trigger, find Transitions in State Machine diagrams
- from a Signal, find Actions in Activity diagrams
- from a Block in SysML, find all typed elements such as Ports and Parts, even if they are inherited elements
- when you select an instanced element (e.g., a Lifeline in Sequence diagrams), the Add-in displays information about its Classifier
System Requirements
- Microsoft® Windows 11 and Windows 10
- Linux and macOS are NOT currently supported.
- Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.2 or later
- Enterprise Architect 15.0 or later
- All Enterprise Architect editions are supported.
- Both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) of Enterprise Architect are supported.
- eap/eapx files, qea/qeax files, feap files, and SQL Server are supported
- For floating licenses, one of the following servers is required:
- Sparx Keystore Service v2.3 or later - only if you are NOT using the group feature of a floating server (i.e., you must specify 'AUTHMETHOD=AM_GLOBALPASSWORD' in your config file.)
- Pro Cloud Server v4.2.66 or later
- Note: You must have an active Enterprise Architect subscription to download Sparx Keystore Service or Pro Cloud Server. Sparx Systems Japan does not provide these installers.
Price and Purchase
You can purchase through our e-commerce provider - Paddle. Purchase links are provided in the table below. We do not offer any other method, including purchasing directly from us.
There are two types of licenses.
- The Standard Annual License is registered directly to a user's computer and is not removed again until the user needs to change computers. 1 license can be registered to up to 2 machines if both machines are solely used by the same user. You cannot change the user of the license for any reason.
- The Floating Annual License is managed using the License Server offered by Sparx Systems. The key is entered into the server, which users then connect to and lease out license keys as needed. Once the user disconnects, the key is automatically returned to the server ready for the next user.
Both licenses are valid for one year from the month of purchase. For example, if you purchase on January 1 or January 31, your license will expire at the end of the following January.
You must purchase the same type of license again to extend the period.
Standard Annual License | Floating Annual License | |
Unit price | US$ 99.00 | US$ 149.00 |
To purchase license, please visit the Payment page.
Please check the installation page to register your license(s).
Important Notes
- For floating licenses, please check if your environment meets the requirements and test if you can register floating licenses on your server using the trial floating license. We cannot refund you even if you cannot use the license because of your environment.
- If you wish to continue using the Traceability Suite Add-In after one year, you will need to purchase the annual license(s) again.
- We will offer the Add-in for both 32-bit and 64-bit Enterprise Architect. Each license can be used for both architectures.
- You can view our End User License Agreement (EULA) here.
- If you have any questions about the Add-In features, requests, bugs, purchases, etc., please use the Inquiry form or email to ''.
Free Trial
If you would like to evaluate the Traceability Suite Add-In, we offer a free 30-day unlimited trial. Please enter your information on the trial web form. We will email you a trial license key and download information for the installer.
We review the requests and send the emails manually during our business hours, so it may take some time to be sent. Each standard trial license can only be used by the user who requested the trial. If your colleagues want to use the add-in, please request another standard trial license yourself. You can also request a floating trial license.
Please go to the installation page to apply for your trial license.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the Add-in features, requests, bugs, purchases, etc., please let us know from here. We will respond within three (3) business day.